About Barry M. Andrews

Reverend Barry M. Andrews

Reverend Barry M. Andrews

I write and teach not as a theologian or academic, but as a minister and spiritual seeker within the Unitarian Universalist religious tradition.

My own faith and spiritual practice has been shaped by an ever-deepening appreciation of the ideas and example of the writers, activists, and spiritual practitioners of the Transcendentalist movement, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Margaret Fuller.

I have preached, written, and taught classes on Emerson, Thoreau, and Transcendentalist spirituality for the past thirty years. I believe more strongly than ever that there is a perennial wisdom in these writers and that they can be helpful guides for us in the cultivation of our own souls.


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    • Minister Emeritus,
      Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock, Manhasset, NY

    • Meadville Theological School
      Chicago, IL
      D.Min., 1976; D.D., 2004
    • Harvard Divinity School
      Cambridge, MA
      Merrill Fellow, 2005