About Barry M. Andrews

Reverend Barry M. Andrews
I write and teach not as a theologian or academic, but as a minister and spiritual seeker within the Unitarian Universalist religious tradition.
My own faith and spiritual practice has been shaped by an ever-deepening appreciation of the ideas and example of the writers, activists, and spiritual practitioners of the Transcendentalist movement, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Margaret Fuller.
I have preached, written, and taught classes on Emerson, Thoreau, and Transcendentalist spirituality for the past thirty years. I believe more strongly than ever that there is a perennial wisdom in these writers and that they can be helpful guides for us in the cultivation of our own souls.
- The Gospel According to This Moment: The Spiritual Message of Henry David Thoreau, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2024.
- American Sage: The Spiritual Teachings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2021
- “The Bloom of the Present Moment,” in Faithful Practices: Everyday Ways to Feed Your Spirit, Eric Wikstrom, editor, Boston: Skinner House Books, 2018
- Transcendentalism and the Cultivation of the Soul, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2017.
- Entries on Mary Wollstonecraft, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau in A Documentary History of Unitarian Universalism, Dan McKanan, editor, Boston: Skinner House Books, 2017
- “That Which Was Ecstasy Shall Become Daily Bread,” Religions, 2017, 8, 75; doi:10.3390
- “Thoreau as Moral Hero,” The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series, Vol. 24, 2016.
- “Thomas Wentworth Higginson,” Dictionary of Unitarian Universalist Biography, www.uudb.org, 2015.
- “Henry David Thoreau,” Dictionary of Unitarian Universalist Biography, www.uudb.org, 2014.
- The Spirit Leads: Margaret Fuller in Her Own Words, Boston: Skinner House Books, 2010.
- True Harvest: Readings from Henry David Thoreau for Every Day of the Year, Boston: Skinner House Books, 2006.
- A Dream Too Wild: Emerson Meditations for Every Day of the Year, Boston: Skinner House Books, 2003.
- Emerson as Spiritual Guide: A Companion to Emerson’s Essays for Personal Reflection and Group Discussion, Boston: Skinner House Books, 2003.
- Thoreau as Spiritual Guide: A Companion to Walden for Personal Reflection and Group Discussion, Boston: Skinner House Books, 2000.
- “The Roots of Unitarian Universalist Spirituality in New England Transcendentalism,” 1992 Selected Essays, Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association.
Follow Me On
- Minister Emeritus,
Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock, Manhasset, NY
- Minister Emeritus,
- Meadville Theological School
Chicago, IL
D.Min., 1976; D.D., 2004 - Harvard Divinity School
Cambridge, MA
Merrill Fellow, 2005
- Meadville Theological School